
Monday, June 07, 2010

CPPD - Therapeutic Use of Art and Image Making - Follow-Up Resources

Hi all, I felt that the workshop on Saturday went very well and I hope that you have been able to bring something of use away with you from the day itself. Given that it is only a day workshop, I hope that the brief introduction would be enough to stir your curiousity in wanting to explore the potential of Creative Arts Therapy and the immense contribution it can make to the quality of our lives and those who we are attempting to be of some help to. I have put together some possible links to resources which I feel may be of relevance and of use to some of you. As I have stated from my own observation of the day, I would suggest that you do make use of every opportunity in exposing yourself to some of the great artists, past and present, their works and their inspirations for their creations. If the chance came your way do visit the art galleries to see the original work of art dont miss it, failing that visit, the galleries through the internet. Let your imagination be inspired!

I have been playing with GoAnimate and created a simple animation for pleasure. Get familiar with the medium first and that goes for your clients too before considering using image making through animation for therapeutic aims and objectives. Below is also the website for cartooning, maybe for the younger children although adolescent would also find it useful.

and another site for making cartoon strip...

An excellent website to start would be lots of sharing of resources, ideas, art activities covering a wide and diverse area where art therapy are used. Definitely worth a visit. The other site summarised all the art therapy assessment tools which I had showed you briefly during the workshop can be found here.

Keep coming back to this site as I will updating and keeping you inform of more resources. In the meantime feel free to add your comments. I will posting my answers to your questions shortly.  Alex


Friday, June 04, 2010

CPPD - Therapeutic Use of Art and Image Making - Collection of Video Links

Below is a collection of short videos to give you a visual taste of the range and diversity in the Therapeutic Use of Art and Image Making

Introduction to Art Therapy

What is Art Therapy?

Examples of Art Therapy

Art Therapy Has Many Faces

Art Therapy with Children

Art Therapy with Hospitalized Children

Drawing Diabetes: Diabetes Through the Eyes of Children

Voices and drawings by the AIDS impacted children in China

Art Therapy for Children in Inner Cities

Art Therapy with The Elderly

Making Mandalas With The Elderly

Alzheimer's & Art Therapy

I Remember Better When I Paint