
Sunday, April 18, 2010

CPPD - TUODRP - Dramatic Role Playing in the Classroom

I have noted that a number of participants attending the workshop are working in educational settings. I have open a separate repository of relevant videos on the use of Dramatic Role Playing in the Classroom. Enjoy!

CPPD - Therapeutic Use of Dramatic Role Playing

 have compiled and embedded within this blog a collection of related vignettes of diverse videos pertaining to the dramatic arts and therapy. This is to offer you a visual sampling of the wide range areas to as to how dramatic role playing can being utilised. The one day workshop that you will be attending or have attended is but only a small beginning in my desire to introduce you to a therapeutic medium that is so vast and rich with so much potentialities to address the life span challenges and needs of our communities and in fostering the well being of its individuals.

I hope such materials will further support your interest and may even motivate you in wanting to invest further in acquiring the range of creative arts therapy skills to be able to integrate it into your current practice as a enabler and helper for others. Pease feel free to add your comments.

Dramatherapy around the World

...from Palestine

....from Thailand

.....from Italy

......from Netherlands

.....from USA

Prominent figures who have to contributed to the development in the discipline of Dramatherapy

Jacob L Moreno
The original contributor to the many action methods employed in many contemporary therapies

Augusto Boal

Founder of the Thearte of the Oppressed

Dorothy Heathcote
Employing Drama in the Classroom